
You have a question? Please read the Frequently Asked Questions just below, there is most likely the answer!

Didn't find the answer? Contact us 24/7 at:

Frequently Asked Questions

When and how do I receive my order?

Normally after your order you receive 2 things by email:

1) The receipt of your order
2) The access email to your product (or several, if you took additional offers)

If you did not receive this email, I reassure you, there is no scam.

It is probably a technical problem. It's rare, but it happens sometimes that email services (hotmail, gmail...) block an email, or put it in the spam folder.

Here's what to do:

1) Wait at least 30 minutes after ordering

2) Check all the mailboxes: Main, SPAM / Junk and Promotions. If you find our email, mark it as "Not Junk", this is important.

3) If you still don't have the email, contact us to have it sent manually:

WARNING: we ONLY sell digital products. We do not send anything in the mail.

When will I be charged?

When you order a product, you are charged immediately. The same applies if you add an additional product, charged "in 1 click".

For recurring payments (membership), you are charged every 30 days.

My access link isn't working, what can I do?

Sometimes, we change a link to access a product. Normally, all the links are updated, but it can happen that we forget one. Contact us and we will send you the new access link.

I have been charged twice, what happened?

There are several possibilities here:

1) You have added an additional "1-click" product to your order, which is charged separately. If it has the same price as the original product, you feel like you are being charged twice.
2) You have accidentally subscribed twice to a recurring product
3) A technical error occurred (this is very rare)

In all cases, don't worry. Contact us and explain the situation, and we will solve the problem.

Once again, I remind you our contact address:

I want a refund, what should I do?

If you want a refund, please contact us, specifying the name of the product and the email address you ordered with.

If the program has a Money Back Guarantee (mentioned on the sales page), we will refund you immediately.

Once again, I remind you our contact address:

I have contacted customer support several times but I don't get any answer, what can I do?

Some customers report not receiving our customer support emails and we have noticed that email service providers have very restrictive "spam" filters.

The best is to contact us with a gmail, yahoo, live, protonmail or other address.

I wish you a great day.

John Hermann

Founder of

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