This Forgotten “Manhood Drink” Gives
Hard & Powerful Erections

My wife was face down on our bed, shaking with pleasure...

But behind her...

It was another man...

Hi, my name is John...

And I have to tell you the most shocking and humiliating story I've ever heard...

Christopher, a 58-year-old man, almost lost his life and his marriage because of erectile dysfunction...

Until he discovered a “forgotten” Chinese ritual...

Which gave him back hard, powerful erections...

Saved his marriage...

And made him feel like a strong, confident man again...

I'll reveal how the science behind this ritual works...

And how you can do it at home, in just a few minutes...

Without your wife knowing

To get back the strong, hard erections you had when you were young...

And let me tell you, it's 100% natural...

No pills...

No injections...

No surgery...

I know, it sounds almost too good to be true...

And I thought exactly the same thing when I first discovered this ritual...

But believe me, it works...

This ritual saved Christopher, thousands of other men, and it can save you too...

You'll understand everything in a few minutes...

So read carefully...

Because I'm about to reveal

The REAL cause of your erectile dysfunction

And I'm willing to bet you've never heard of it...

Because the big pharmaceutical companies, which make billions of dollars on our backs every year...

Do everything they can to hide these secrets...

In fact, I'm going to tell you why you should ABSOLUTELY stop taking their “erection pills”...

Not only are they overpriced, but they also put you in DANGER...

But thanks to this ancient “forgotten” Chinese ritual, you can say goodbye to pills forever...

Like Richard Williams, 63, from Birmingham in the UK:

He was completely depressed about his erectile dysfunction...

And yet, thanks to this trick, he got back strong erections on demand...

He feels self-confident again...

And he gives his wife several orgasms every week...

He's also saved thousands of dollars on “pills”, which were putting his health at risk...

And often gave him nausea and chest pains...

But this natural ritual saved him...

Because it's based on a recent scientific discovery...

And you want to know the craziest part?

This ritual is quick and easy to do...

It takes less than 2 minutes

And you only need to do it once a day, in the evening...

Why does it work so well?

Because this ritual “unlocks” the blood vessels in your penis...

Thanks to a blend of simple and cheap ingredients you can find anywhere...

It increases blood flow, giving you strong, hard, powerful erections...

That's exactly how Jack Augustin, 56, from Vienna, Austria felt:

Now he has strong erections almost every day, and smiles every time he feels his penis getting hard...

Because he knows he'll be able to pleasure his wife, just as he used to do at the start of their relationship...

Jack Augustin, 56 years old (Vienna, Austria)

“When I get up in the morning, I almost always feel a big erection.

And we often start the day with a naughty time with my wife.

I once again feel confident in myself and in my manhood.

My relationship hasn't been this happy in years.

I finally feel like a man again.”

And take a look at what Philippe, 71, from Paris, France experienced:

He used this “evening ritual” to boost blood flow in his penis...

And he got his first erections back in less than 2 weeks...

And believe me, it's changed his life

Paul, his wife's little brother, said he hadn't seen her this happy in years, and asked her for her secret...

She smiled, looked at her husband Philippe out of the corner of her eye, and simply said: “I'm just in a good mood these days”...

Pretty good for self-confidence, right?

And here's what John, 55, from the Brussels area, in Belgium experienced:

He was ashamed of his erectile dysfunction and had been avoiding his wife for months...

On top of that, he suspected she was cheating on him with one of her colleagues, much younger than him...

But fortunately, something happened just before their wedding anniversary:

John, 55 years old (Brussels, Belgium)

“Since I've discovered your evening ritual, I've never been the same man.

I got my libido back, my wife respects me again and I feel happy.

I was at the end of the rope before I came across your video, but your revelations saved me.

Thanks again.”

So be prepared to take notes...

Because the revelations we're about to discover together could change your life...

And free you from the nightmare of erectile dysfunction...

But first...

Let me quickly introduce myself

I'm John Hermann, and I'm the founder of…

The #1 website that helps people over 50 stay healthy…

My dream was to become a doctor...

But I quickly understood that the pharmaceutical industry controls EVERYTHING, and that disgusted me...

Because they are NOT trying to treat patients in the best possible way...

They are trying to make maximum profits!

So I turned to natural solutions…

And today, I share my discoveries with more than 50,000 people every day through my newsletter…

That's why people call me "The Natural Health Detective"...

All my programs are based on the latest discoveries from the best universities in the world, like Harvard, Stanford and Oxford

And I've already helped more than 141,566 customers to fix their health problems…

Men and women from Canada, Australia, the UK, France, Belgium and more than 27 other countries

By the way, you may have already heard about me on websites like Yahoo Health,, Medical News Today or

And right now, I am writing this letter from my small office in Normandy...

And it was at this office that...

I discovered Christopher's shocking story

Which I told you about at the beginning of this video...

I've never seen a man so desperate about his erections...

And honestly, I'm not an emotional guy, but his story really touched me...

I didn't know it at the time, but the email he sent me would help tens of thousands of men just like you...

To get strong and powerful erections, on demand...

Here's what he told me:

“I've been avoiding my wife for weeks...”

I don't know what's wrong with me, it happened almost overnight...

Since the beginning of our relationship, I've never had any problems pleasing her...

I love my wife, I think she's beautiful...

But for some reason, my “package” doesn't want to stand anymore...

And it's killing me...

I'm losing all my self-confidence...

And I feel she respects me less and less...

Every night at bedtime, I find an excuse not to go to bed at the same time as her...

I stay in front of the TV, I work, I call my parents...

Anything to avoid a moment of intimacy that would only be another humiliation...

I used to be pretty good in bed, but now I feel like I've got...

A useless old sausage between my legs

And I can't stand to feel my wife's hands on this dead piece of meat, trying to make it hard...

Because it doesn't work...

But worst of all, I'm afraid of losing her...

Because 2 days ago, I had the most humiliating experience in my entire life...

It was Friday, and for once I was able to escape from the office earlier than usual...

Before going home, I stopped for a coffee at our favorite local restaurant, to give me some energy before a dinner with friends...

I was deep in thoughts, reading an article on my phone, when I heard a voice coming from the table behind me...

“You know, I'm ashamed, but I often dream about men younger than him...”

“I have a colleague at the office who's been giving me the eye, and I have to admit that I often think about him in the evenings...”

“I'm not saying I'm going to do it, but I think about it almost every day...

It was my wife's voice...

She hadn't seen me because the tables are separated by screens, but she was chatting with her best friend...

And she continued...

“I don't respect him anymore because of frustration, it's stronger than me...”

“I just want to get away from him, we haven't made love in months, it's horrible...”

“You know, I've even come to wonder if he isn't gay, or a creep...”

I felt my throat getting tight

It was too much...

If I stayed another second, I was going to burst into tears in the middle of the restaurant...

So I left before she saw me...

That night, I had the worst night of my life...

And I had a nightmare in which I found my wife, face down on our bed, with her colleague behind her...

I woke up sweating...

I can't take it anymore...

I can't look at myself in the mirror...

“I need help before my marriage falls completely apart...”

When I finished reading Christopher's email, I understood the deep pain of men who struggle with erectile dysfunction...

And I decided to make it my priority...

To find a natural and effective solution to help Christopher, and thousands of other men like him, get their erections back...

I spent days and days, locked in my office, doing research...


I discovered several things:

The first thing I discovered is the real cause of erectile dysfunction...

Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with age...

It's much simpler than that...

Your penis has two internal chambers...

And the most important is the corpus cavernosum...

It's a part of the penis that's filled with tiny blood vessels...

And when blood gets into these vessels, it creates pressure, and it gives you an erection...

But for the blood to arrive, the vessels have to be relaxed...

The problem is that often the vessels walls are too tight, so the blood can't get to your penis...

So you can't get an erection...

It's as simple as that...

The second thing I discovered was the truth about the infamous “erection pills”...

You've probably heard of them...

Because they're very popular, and make a fortune for the pharmaceutical industry every year...

In the world, more than 15,000,000 men take "erection pills" every year...

And they spend an average of $179 a year...

That's a jackpot of...

$2,710,000,000 a year for the pharmaceutical industry

But it gets worse...

Because the real problem is that these pills are extremely dangerous for you...

And I'm not the only one saying it…

Just look at the list of side effects...

I've got the documentation for one of these pills right here in front of me...

So let's take a quick look at what you can expect:


Facial redness

Digestive problems


Blurred vision

High blood pressure


Heart arrhythmia

And the list goes on and on...

The truth is that...

Millions of men risk their lives every day

Simply to get their erection back...

But you'll soon realize that there's a much better solution...

Because when I realized the danger of these pills...

I started looking into the ancient natural solutions used by our ancestors...

And I'll be honest with you, I discovered some of the weirdest rituals I've ever heard of...

In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs sacrificed crocodiles...

Then they would take the hearts of the poor animals, and rub them on their penises...

In Russia, in 1918, a doctor decided to castrate a monkey and implant its testicles into a patient suffering from erectile dysfunction...

With no results...

The more I looked, the more I discovered barbaric and useless solutions...

But at some point, I came across something interesting...

In an old book on traditional Chinese medicine, I discovered that a doctor of the time had prepared a “manhood drink”...

He had used a combination of 22 ingredients with powerful properties...

And he gave it to the emperor...

The result?

This emperor was able to...

Sleep with over 1,200 women

And ended up having hundreds of kids to secure his lineage...

I found this story fascinating, so I went further...

I looked at the list of ingredients in this special drink...

To understand the mechanism behind this manhood “miracle”...

And it's actually quite simple...

The ingredients of this drink provide a combination of amino acids and enzymes which act directly on the penis...

But more importantly, it provides a very powerful compound, known for its action on erections...

Nitric oxide...

I won't go into the scientific details...

But simply put, nitric oxide allows blood vessels to relax...

So blood can flow into your penis, creating hard, powerful erections...

It's as simple as that

But there was one major problem...

The majority of the ingredients in the Chinese “manhood drink” are virtually impossible to find today...

So I continued my research to find alternatives...

And after several weeks of reading scientific studies, estimating dosages and experimenting...

I managed to find a formula to recreate this “manhood drink”...

Containing the same amino acids, the same enzymes...

And a naturally high concentration of nitric oxide...

And since I was desperate to find a solution to erectile dysfunction...

I tried it...

On myself...

I took a cup of this “drink” in the evening, after dinner...

I sat on my sofa and waited...

At first I felt nothing...

But after 30 minutes, something happened...

I started to feel a rush of blood to my penis...

And I felt relaxed...

But honestly, nothing impressive...

So I had to go back to my formula, to try and find the winning combination...

And after another week of research and testing, I succeeded...

I had created...

The perfect recipe for the “manhood drink”

All I had to do was drink a cup in the evening, and after 30 minutes, I felt a hard, powerful erection...

But there was a problem...

I wasn't suffering from erectile dysfunction myself...

So I had to be sure that this drink would work on men with erectile dysfunction...

So I formed a test group with some of my best customers...

I revealed the recipe to them, and the special, quick preparation technique for the drink...

And I asked them to drink it every evening for 4 weeks...

Some men were a little skeptical, but because they trusted me, they followed my advice...

And over the following weeks...

Surprising things happened...

I started receiving messages from members of the test group, who told me they had more energy...

They felt fitter, happier...

One man even told me he felt 5 years younger...

And that he performed better when he exercised...

And a week later, I was bombarded with messages...

The men in the test group were overexcited, and some had tears in their eyes...

Andrew Nel, 59, from Cape Town, South Africa sent me:

Martin Robinson, 63, from Melbourne, Australia sent me:

And Ryan Harris, 67, from Dublin, Ireland sent me:

I couldn't believe it...

That this simple drink could have such a powerful impact on the lives of these early testers...

I expected it to work, because I had the results of the scientific studies...

But I didn't expect it to work so FAST...

I must admit I was shocked...

I had created a 100% natural “manhood drink” that works...

At first, I had only planned to share this recipe with the members of my website, Healthy And Alive...

But then...

I had a revelation...

Because I'm not naive...

I'm sure the big pharmaceutical companies have made exactly the same discoveries as I have...

After all, they have entire armies of researchers working for them...

But the truth is, they do everything they can to hide these natural solutions...

So they can keep making billions off us every year, with their pills...

So I remembered my mission, which led me to create Healthy And Alive...

It was my duty to share these discoveries with as many people as possible...

Because they have the power to change the lives of millions of men, just like you, who struggle endlessly with erectile dysfunction...

So I've collected all my notes, the recipe, the advice I gave to the first “testers”...

And I compiled and improved everything thanks to their feedback...

After a few weeks, I had a complete, detailed and effective method in a PDF document of over 60 pages on my computer...

And I called it...

Manhood Secrets:

the natural way to get hard and powerful erections back

It's a simple, easy-to-follow PDF program based on my research...

To help you get strong erections back naturally, and without pills, drugs or injections...

Thanks to the power of a “manhood drink”, which you can prepare at home in less than 2 minutes...

Inside Manhood Secrets, you'll discover:

  • The simple secret to get hard and powerful erections (it works at any age)

When you join the program, I'll immediately reveal the secret recipe of my “manhood drink”...

You'll discover the EXACT proportions of every spice, drink, mineral and other ingredient...

To boost your nitric oxide levels and the other enzymes you need to get hard, powerful erections on demand...

And you know what?

Honestly, simply revealing the secret for this “manhood drink” would probably be enough to change your life forever...

Because if you can't make a simple drink, I don't think there's anything anyone can do to help you get your erections back...

But since Healthy And Alive's mission is to help you live in the best health of your life, I've decided to go much further than that...

Inside of Manhood Secrets, you'll also discover:

  • How to boost nitric oxide levels by over 142% in your penis (and create a massive blood rush, resulting in long, hard erections)
  • How to turn yourself into a "pleasure machine" for your partner

And give her the most powerful orgasms she's ever felt, and drive her crazy about you (even if you've been married for years)...

Without ever having to take any of those nasty “erection pills” again...

  • The recipe for my “aphrodisiac brownie” (it's delicious and triggers powerful sexual needs in your partner)

If you combine the power of the brownie with your new performance, you've got almost a “magical” combo...

Your partner will look at you with lustful eyes and want more and more intimate moments with you...

  • The “unlimited endurance” technique for satisfying your partner for 20, 30 or even 60 minutes or more (without feeling tired)

And instantly become the best lover of her life...

Believe me, with this technique, she'll only fantasize about one man for the rest of her life: YOU...

Tired of feeling depressed and lacking confidence?

I'll reveal...

  • ​A nutrition trick that reduces the “chemical depression” (caused by diet)

Not only does it boost your erections, but you'll also feel an improvement in your mood, a powerful feeling of happiness and a boost of motivation...

Is your blood sugar too high?

  • Discover how to lower your blood sugar naturally (thanks to this simple trick)

Even better? Balancing your blood sugar levels helps to strengthen your erections over the long term...

  • How to break the “fear loop” (so you can be confident again and never suffer from psychological erectile dysfunction)

With this simple technique, you'll feel like a stallion before you go to bed with your wife...

And so much more...


  • ​A weird trick to prevent your wife from cheating on you (even with younger, more attractive men)
  • The secret “manhood herbs” list (use these herbs in recipes or infusions, and quickly boost blood flow to your penis...and boost your libido too)
  • The WORST “erection pills” (which are dangerous for you, but pharmaceutical companies do everything they can to hide this information)
  • My secret list of “testosterone-boosting foods” (eat these foods to boost your erections and libido...and don't worry, these foods are easy to find)
  • A simple trick to boost your libido if you're stressed (just do this ritual after a long day at work... it works great if you're over 50)
  • The “longer penis” ritual (do this once a week to naturally increase the size of your penis...and make your erections even stronger)

And much, much more...

And let me tell you: Manhood Secrets is a simple, easy-to-follow program...

It works even if you've been suffering from erectile dysfunction for years...

Or if you think you've already tried everything...

And you can prepare the “manhood drink” in just 2 minutes, with cheap and easy-to-find ingredients...

Now, I'd like to ask you a question...

Can you imagine?

If you could do all this...

Having this power over your penis, your libido and your relationship...

To have control over your erections in a way you've never had before...

How much would you be willing to pay, right now, to never “go limp” again for the rest of your life?

How much would you be willing to pay to see the look on your friends' faces when they're JEALOUS of your sexual performance...

And to see them begging you to tell them your secrets?

How much would you be willing to pay to NEVER have to take "erection pills" again...

And to never again suffer from erectile dysfunctions that destroy your self-confidence?

Just imagine...

Feel how good it would be...

And now tell me...

What do you think would be an honest price to pay to get hard, powerful erections and get back absolute control over your manhood...

In just a few short weeks, and with less effort than to make a cup of tea?

If you're completely honest with yourself, I'm willing to bet that $200 or more would be a totally fair price...

After all, some men spend far more than that to take “erection pills” that destroy their health...

And don't solve the root of the problem...

I even think you'd find it “cheap” to never again have to feel “ashamed” of failing to pleasure your wife, for the rest of your life...

I mean, $200 is a lot of money, but if it helps you get back your self-confidence and your manhood...

It's totally worth it...

Not to mention the thousands of dollars you'll save over the next few years on erection pills, food supplements and other useless gadgets...

But you see, Healthy And Alive's mission is to help the MAXIMUM number of people improve their health...

Not just a few rich or privileged people...


I've decided to do something for you

To thank you for watching this video so far, you're not going to invest $200 for the Manhood Secrets program...

I'm not even gonna ask you to invest $100 (even if it would be a bargain)...

As long as this page is online, and not for a second longer, you can access Manhood Secrets for just $67...

But if you act NOW, before this video ends, and you're one of the first 100 people to act today...

I'll give you an additional $20 discount coupon...

And you can access the program for a small investment of just $47...

So click the button just below and you'll be taken to the secure order form...

If you see $47, congratulations, you can still take advantage of your discount...

Fill in your details on the secure order form and click the green button to confirm...

You then have instant access to the Manhood Secrets program in digital PDF format, which you can easily download...

Please note that we don't send anything by mail, it's 100% digital...

You can read it on your computer, smartphone or tablet...

Or simply print it...

I've decided to offer this program only as a digital version so you can start getting your erections back TODAY...

You don't have to wait to receive it, because you get instant digital access...

I know how excited you probably are to have made this discovery...

So I want to get you started right away, while you're motivated...


I advise you to act now

Because I'm only offering this price as part of a marketing test, during this information campaign...

And I have a lot of costs to cover, just to broadcast this video (and believe me, a lot of people want to see it)...

So I'm not sure I can keep making this offer for very long...

So act now to secure your special discount...

Click the button just below to take advantage of your discount now:

And please, if you come back tomorrow or next week and you find the price has gone up (or doubled)...

Don't send me a message asking for a discount, because it'll be too late...

If you let your discount slip away now, there's nothing I can do for you...

No exceptions...

And my customers know that I'm a man of my word...

By the way, I haven't told you the best news yet...

Even though I know the program will work for you...

You take no risk in trying it out, because it's protected by my...

DOUBLE 100% Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee

You make a refundable deposit to access the Manhood Secrets program...

And if you decide you're not satisfied, for whatever reason, you email me at and my friendly assistant Charlotte will refund every penny...

Secondly, if you can prove to me that you have followed the program for 4 weeks, and have not gotten your erections back...

I'll refund twice the amount of your deposit...

Why do I make such a guarantee?

Because after working so hard on this program, I know its power to change your life...

And I want as many people as possible to benefit from it...

And also because it's not up to you to take any risks...

So I'm taking all the risks on MY shoulders, so that you can try this program with complete confidence and peace of mind...

Completely risk free to you...

To help you finally put an end to the erectile dysfunction nightmare...

Get hard, powerful erections back to satisfy your wife...

Feel self-confident again, and spice up your relationship...

And you can experience all this BEFORE you even decide if you want to keep the program, thanks to my Double Guarantee...

All you have to do is click the button just below to take advantage of your discount now...

Now, if you are still here, maybe you are still a little skeptical...

Maybe a little voice inside you is not 100% sure yet...

So let me do one last thing, to make the decision even easier for you...

So you never have to regret missing out on this opportunity...

I want you to be 100% sure, and to feel deep down, that this is an amazing offer...

And I want you to be proud to take advantage of it...

That's why...

I'd like to offer you 3 gifts

Just for trying Manhood Secrets today...

GIFT #1: Boosting Testosterone (Value: $97)

It's an ebook in which you'll discover all the secrets to naturally boost testosterone production in your body, to get your erections back faster.

Inside, you'll discover:

7 foods with super powerful testosterone-boosting properties (and how to find them cheaply and easily)

7 “secret” plants that boost testosterone production naturally

My “testosterone routine” to do 2-3 times a week (it's a simple, scientifically proven testosterone-boosting exercise program)

The 5 “testosterone killers” (and how to easily get rid of these bad habits)

The 5 “testosterone boosters” (and how to implement these good habits today)

And much more...

It's the perfect complement to Manhood Secrets, to boost your erections and libido even faster.

And let me tell you, the foods are easy to find, cheap and delicious.

And all the tips and secrets are simple and easy to use.

GIFT #2: Manhood Hypnosis (Value: $97)

It's an audio program in MP3 format that you can listen to on your computer, smartphone, or tablet...

For many people, there is an important psychological aspect to erectile dysfunction...

And it can be really destructive for your self-confidence…

Which keeps you in a downward spiral...

That's why I created the Manhood Hypnosis...

Simply listen to this audio track, and you'll benefit from the power of hypnosis on your self-confidence...

It helps you neutralize psychological blocks...

It helps you feel self-confident again, and get your hard, powerful erections back...

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in the power of hypnosis...

Or if you think hypnosis doesn't work on you...

Trust me...

Just listen to my Manhood Hypnosis, and you'll be amazed by the results on your self-confidence and your erections...

GIFT #3: Manhood Online Coaching FREE for 30 Days (Value: $79)

It's a unique and exclusive community of motivated people like you.

See, I did my best to make Manhood Secrets the best and most complete program on the market, but there are always people who have specific questions or situations that need more attention.

That's why I'm offering you ONE FULL MONTH of coaching and support with me and my team: as soon as you sign up, you'll be put on a VIP email list for personalized help and support.

You can ask any question you want and get a quick answer, so you'll always feel supported.

But wait, there is more…

On top of that, you get exclusive access to our private Members Area, reserved for coaching members only. Inside, you have access to articles, reports, videos, interviews and a weekly coaching lesson, to give you the MOTIVATION you need to make sure you follow the program.

And get the impressive results I've promised you today, like over 141,566 members of our community have already achieved.

So let's sum it all up, so you can realize what a great deal you're getting...

With your special discount, you get Manhood Secrets for a small, refundable deposit of just $47. We agreed on the value of this program, which is easily over $200...

So that alone is a great deal...

But on top of that, I'm adding 3 FREE gifts to your order:

- The Boosting Testosterone program

- My Manhood Hypnosis audio program

- The Manhood Online Coaching

And each of these gifts could easily be sold between $47 and $97...

That's a total value of $434...

But thanks to your exclusive discount, you get it all for only $47...

I don't know about you, but if I was in a store and my bill went from $434 to just $47...

I'd feel like I'd won the lottery

Or maybe it's my lucky day...

But either way, I'd hurry up and secure my special offer, before someone tried to take it away...

Especially since this discount is only for the 100 fastest people today...

And you don't even have to say “YES” today...

You can simply try the program risk-free and decide later, thanks to my Double Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee...

And for that, it's very simple...

All you have to do to take advantage of this great offer is...

Click the button just below now...

Then fill in your payment information on the secure order form...

And after you confirm your order, you can instantly download the entire program...

You are only 2 clicks away from your new life, so act now...

Click the button just above to take advantage of your discount now...

Before it's too late…

Follow the program...

Discover the secrets to getting hard, powerful erections in record time...

Without putting your health at risk with “erection pills”, and without expensive supplements...

Discover the great feeling of taking back control of your body, and your life...

If you're like the 141,566 people who have already put their trust in me, you'll be amazed at the changes in your life...

And the changes to your erections and your self-confidence...

How your wife will look at you differently, with admiration...

Impressed by your performance and your new libido...

You'll have a hard time getting rid of the big smile on your face, every time you look at your new, hard, powerful erections...

Or keeping the secret of how you got your manhood back when your friends ask...


Now it's time to take action

You may not realize it, or you may not be aware of it, but you're at an important point in your life today...

And you only have 2 very different options, which lead you to 2 very different lives:

The first is a life of energy, happiness and passion for the rest of your life...

Where you LOVE your body and your eyes light up with every look in the mirror...

The second...

Well, that's simply the continuation of your current life...

So listen carefully as I tell you your 2 options, so you can make the right choice for yourself...

Option 1 is to leave this page now WITHOUT trying the program...

I think you already know what's going to happen if you do that, because you've already experienced it far too many times...

That feeling of hopelessness...

The feeling of no longer being a “man”...

The feeling that your wife no longer respects your manhood...

Wondering how you got here...

Or feeling GUILTY because you can't pleasure her like you used to...

I know you don't want this anymore...

I know it makes you SICK to see your penis remain limp, every time you want an intimate moment...

Or to see the disappointment in your wife's eyes every time you "try"...

Or to hear her say “it's all right, honey”... one more time...

Or worse, to imagine her going to another man, who WILL be able to satisfy her...

That's why I want you to think for a second, and seriously consider option 2...

And the truth is, it's the easiest path to take...

And the smart choice most people make...

Because all you have to do is decide that you love yourself enough to say “Yes” now...

Simply click the button below the video now...

Enter your payment information on the secure order form...

And hurry up…

Don't let someone else enjoy YOUR discount before you do...

Act now, before you get caught up in the daily grind...

Join the Manhood Secrets program and the entire community...

Discover absolutely all the secrets I've talked about in this video (plus a few surprises I've got in store for you)...

And apply the simple, natural, proven method that has already helped thousands of men get strong erections, on demand...

Discover the secrets of the powerful, long-lasting erection you've desired for too long, and that you deserve...

But it's not your fault you're where you are today...

Nobody told you about the power of nitric oxide on your erections...

But now it's your responsibility to take action...

And remember...

With my 100% Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee, you take no risks...

I take all the risk to let you try this program with peace of mind, thanks to a simple deposit...

And if you don't get ALL the results I've promised you in this video, then I don't deserve 1 cent of your investment...

And you can get your deposit back with a simple email to my assistant Charlotte...

So act now, because with your special discount, you get a unique price that will probably never be available again...

Now, just before you get inside the program:

Close your eyes and imagine for a moment...

Waking up in the morning and being able to satisfy your wife like you used to, and finding respect in her eyes when she looks at you...

Feeling like a real and powerful man every time you look at your penis, because you know it can produce hard, powerful erections on demand...

Imagine the great sex you'll have with your wife, thanks to your new-found manhood, and the pride of being able to give her several orgasms in a row...

And now just click the button below...

Let me guide you...

Let me reveal the truth...

Let me help you finally get the strong, hard erections you desire...

I sincerely promise you that you will be very happy with your decision...

Once again, I am John Hermann and I am extremely happy for you, because you are about to discover what happens when you apply the Manhood Secrets program to your life...

I look forward to receiving your messages of success...

Like Christopher, Richard, Jack, Philippe, John, Andrew and the thousands of other members before you…

Thank you, for your time with me...

I'll meet you inside the program...

John Hermann

Founder of

PS: Thanks to a "manhood drink” recipe, discovered by the physician of an ancient Chinese Emperor, I've created a program that helps get hard, strong erections, on demand: it's called Manhood Secrets. It's simple, easy, fast and requires virtually no effort.

PPS: Today, you can try this program for a simple refundable deposit of $47. Plus, you'll receive 3 free gifts. This is a limited offer, available for the first 100 customers today. And your investment is protected by my DOUBLE 100% Lifetime Money-Back Guarantee. So click on the button just above and try Manhood Secrets now. And discover the secret recipe of my “manhood drink”... - Copyright

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